Saturday, October 28, 2006



Roger A. Davis

It is the night of trick or treat, boooo!
Have you ever teepeed a house or two?
We used to carry bars of Ivory
And would make windows unsightly

I heard stories of my grandpa's Halloween times
Putting a cow in the upstairs study hall
Knocking over an occupied outhouse stall
All innocent letter jacket crimes

Oh, how I loved to fill my sack with treats
Knowing soon I'd O.D. on sugary eats
Staying up late on a sweets high
And letting go with the once-a-year candy sigh

As we grew older our tricks became bolder
We would ignite sacks of cow dung
And wait for the heroes of the unsung
Their reward was all night sucker odor

We did just enough to be a criminal pest
But not enough for them to seek an arrest
In fact, looking back we were pretty tame
Our goblin crime wave was kind of lame

Now some lines about costumes worn
Cowboy hat and cap guns, I would adorn
But one year Dad made this foil covered ball
And my brother went as Sputnik that fall

Next year I wore it in the school's downtown parade
It was a pumpkin, crepe paper, orange shade
Half way through the spectacle, it rained
Thank God, I wasn't permanently stained

We used to collect for UNICEF on this holiday
A milk carton is where donors did pay
So a nation of school kids did tout
But whatever did those coins bring about?

Later, I lived All Hallows Eve through others
Like those little kids as ghosts in sheet covers
Passing out bite-size Snicker bars, two for each sack
With me eating one each time my wife turned her back

Most fun of all was dressing up our son
It varied from the jawbone carrying Samson
To any character that wore a cape
Then off to do his "trick or treat" trape

So don't be afraid of a black cat tonight
Or some gruesome mask to fright
Yet, do be wary, for it is scary
Pounds gained in candies wrapped in one bite

Monday, October 09, 2006



Roger A. Davis

Legend has it, Deer Trail, Colorado
The home of the first rodeo
Two ranches together for a meet
Cowboys, roping and riding, compete

Bull riding later became an event
Rule, 8 seconds before descent
Keep one arm free and clear
Can't even touch the bull's ear

100 points possible each ride
Bull 50, cowboy 50 for his side
Two judges rate this duo act
7.9 seconds, 0 points, a sad fact

PBR has its own competition
A million dollar bonus on completion
Ford Motors sponsors the tour
Bull riding has come along way, that’s for sure

My spouse and I watch it on TV
Used to go to Rodeo Finals in OKC
Now in Las Vegas, Nevada USA
Moved for a bigger payday

I have ridden and fallen from a horse
It hurt and made me sore, of course
But to intentionally ride a near ton of bovine
Better be in prayer with the Devine

Also, there are clowns around
Immediately there on impact with ground
Protecting them from being tromped
But occasionally they do get stomped

This sport sometimes has the ultimate cost
As was the case with the great Lane Frost
Garth sung about it in THE DANCE
All know, every ride, they take that chance

That is why to each rider we give a big hand
Whether it is 8 second or less, they land
This dance with beast and man
Has made me a diehard fan



Roger A. Davis

I'm long past my peak
On the slippery slope side
Of mellow and meek

Not so much hair
Eyes are weak
Bifocals adorn my physique

Always saying, "Pardon me"
Volume button abuser
Hearing not what it used to be

Teeth, filled and crowned
A lot of silver colored metal
A lightning rod ground?

Crows feet and double chin
Connect the dots old age spots
I'm an antique has been

Read this far and depressed?
Go ahead and finish
This is aging's home address

Aches, pains and replacements
In/of our body parts
Alternate, the stoppage of our hearts

So celebrate with me
Medicare, Plan A and B
And being a legal druggy



Roger A. Davis

This is an onerous task
TWOO starring Toto
Zorro, threequel, pink mask
Beware, four flusher rigged lotto

Fiveal, western mouse Duke
Ever eaten a Hershey Sixlet?
7-Up for post-puke
8 & cue balls, corner pocket

9 to 5, Dolly hit, Lily and Jane, too
A tenacious ordeal isn't a hee hee
Numero uno is pee pee
Number two is poo poo

3 X 4 at the lumber store?
56 "Heartbreak Hotel", Presley
7-eleven, got Slurpee?
8 BELOW ZERO, Disney lore?

99 bottles of beer on the wall
Take ten down, pass them around
One for the money, oops, curtain call
Two trees falling, any sound?

Three-toed sloths have four feet
55 to stay alive on Route 66
78 RPM records of old jazz picks
9, 10, another goose egg feat

Our goal was to count to ten
While trying to make you grin
Tried it once, twice and again
But believe me, this is The End



Roger A. Davis

A person of focused passion
Above society's trendy fashion
One of eccentric intelligence
Employed for self indulgence

Geek, not a nerd or carnival freak
A single-mindedness being, so to speak
-ology, the study of, in Greek
Our area of expertise, we tweak

Whether it be about STAR TREKololgy
Or computer technology
Our special interest is fulltime
And mine is about words that rhyme

In Geek mythology, we get a bum deal
And that is why I write this appeal
Thomas A. Edison, filament fanatic
Harnesser of the electrostatic

This is just one name I dropped
To try to get our bad press stopped
Actually, we don't give a hoot
Can't be bothered, we're in hot pursuit

So when you see us in a public place
Take time from your frantic pace
Let's have a group Geek embrace
Because Geekism is the human race



Roger A. Davis

Ponder I wonder
Reason for decision
Notation of destination

World Health Organization
Helps disease classification
Geneva, Switzerland, location

World Hunger Year
Food issue clear
Google, click here

Women for Healthcare, Education
Reform & Equity
Feminist of femininity
A global residency

Who's who among you?
Why is that?
Where are we at?

Question of identification
Cause of a situation
Place of your position

An owl's cuckoo
Fork in the road
Comes in hard and soft, too

Did you get the riddles?
You probably don't care
Answers; hoo hoo, a Y, ware

Who is glad that this is done?
Why not leave a comment
Where you might say
"Roger, take a poetic breath mint"

Saturday, October 07, 2006


Paper Clips captures how the students of Whitwell Middle School responded to lessons about the Holocaust; they committed to honor every lost soul by collecting one paper clip for each individual exterminated by the Nazis. Despite the fact that they had previously been unaware of and unfamiliar with the Holocaust, their dedication was absolute. Their plan was simple but profound. The amazing result, a memorial railcar filled with 11 million paper clips (representing 6 million Jews and 5 million gypsies, homosexuals and other victims of the Holocaust) which stands permanently in their schoolyard, is an unforgettable lesson of how a committed group of children and educators can change the world one classroom at a time. Here is a poem inspired by the film:

Roger A. Davis

One paper clip at a time
A school project that became sublime
A study of the Holocaust
Eleven million souls were lost

One paper clip at a time
Represented each of those who were slew
Prejudice, it was to teach them not to
At Whitwell Middle School

One paper clip at a time
They came accompanied by letters
Some from those who survived the Nazi fetters
Thanking them for keeping alive the memory of the Crime

One paper clip at a time
A documentary was made that was prime
Principal Hooper, staff and students doing their project
And others who were caught up in this retrospect

One paper clip at a time
They were counted out, then placed in the cattle car
The concentration camp hauler of those who wore the Star
You see, it became a memorial in rural Tennessee

One paper clip at a time
Worn on one’s clothes symbolizes tolerance
And a Holocaust victim’s remembrance
Thanks to Whitwell and its Middle School, L’chaim

Sunday, October 01, 2006



Roger A. Davis

Do you remember teenage romance?
Finding a place to park after the dance
Kisses and hugs, listening to the radio
Enjoying the Supremes and Fats Domino?

Our emotions kindled, burned like a fire
Being together was a paramount desire
Seeking out places to be just alone
And spending much time on the phone

Dad allowing us the car on Friday night
After the ball game, we would drag main
Sitting together ever so tight
High on love, feeling no pain

At school in the hall, a quick kiss
All was right with the world, such bliss
But if we had a lovers’ spat
Overwhelming despondency was stat

All else, secondary to be reconciled
Your temperament isn't calm or mild
Until once again we did say
"I love you more each day"

In dating, the word "fickle" is used, too
One day a hot wind, next, a cold one blew
Very rough for one who is true blue
Who, all their life, did only date a few

A personal note from my life
Had some young romances
Loved senior and junior high dances
Yet on my first date with my wife

I knew without a shadow of doubt
To the heavens I did shout
Thank you, God, for my soul mate
And to this very day, I am thankful for our fate



Roger A. Davis

Time to hit the hay
Thank goodness it's Friday
Got the weekend to recoup

Was going to wash the car
But I don't feel up to par
Better rest until I'm not so pooped

That nap has given me zest
I tell my wife I'm up to the test
She suggests a bowl of soup

I tell her after my snack
I'll get right back on track
And sweep the stoop

Wouldn't you know, it starts to rain
And my arthritis is giving me pain
That has thrown me for a loop

I wait for the meds to kick in
Reading newspaper in the kitchen
It's starting to ease, time to regroup

The day almost gone, suppertime
Oh boy! For dessert, favorite pie, key lime
With flaky crust and whipped cream goop

Had too much of a good thing
Decide to watch TV before retiring
Honeymooners, Kramden & Norton, the dupe

Fell asleep, got a crick in my neck
Crawl into bed, Mrs. gives me a peck
Say my prayers remembering our troops

It's been a long day, not much done
Sunday’s coming, a day of rest and fun
Think I'll take it easy, watch some NBA hoops



Roger A. Davis

I'm not a do-it-yourself type guy
But I've been known to try
Tried to replace washer on faucet
Down the drain, lost it

Gray tape and Red Green
He can fix anything
I struggle to tear a strip
Usually get a lengthwise rip

Using tools, I must be a magician
They disappear is my suspicion
An outlined pegboard tool bench
And can't find a single wrench

I watched Home Improvement on TV
Al Borland, I longed to be
But was destined to share Tim's throne
Both of us are accident-prone

Took many an ER trip
One injury left me 60% a crip
Had carpal tunnel in each arm
Fell eleven feet, almost bought the farm

My honey-do list has items few
My wife usually calls our nephew
I take out the trash and do dishes
Grudgingly doing whatever she wishes

Her vision of my skills as a handyman
Are clouded by my burn ban
You see, a few fires went haywire
But it wasn't like anyone's funeral pyre

Books, plans and projects of do-it-yourself
Set atop my store bought bookshelf
I even have one DVD
Called, “How To Carve A Turkey”

Just between you and me, okay
Being all thumbs does pay
I can watch This Old House and Norm
And have no domestic storm



Roger A. Davis

Stonehenge, religionistic rock piles?
What Berlin Wall needed was stiles
Great Wall was a Mongolian speed bump
Taj Mahal, in tribute, not to D. Trump

Ten Texan half buried Cadillacs
Santa Fe Trail wagon tracks
Biggest ball of twine, Cawker City
Haven't traveled much, such a pity

Have traveled the world in books
You know those 1000 word looks
A National Geographic subscriber
Rowing down Italy's Tiber

In the bathroom, I would make a jaunt
Pics of the Isle of Capri, it did taunt
Or sojourn to a villa in Mexico
Legs went to sleep, ought oh!

Used to attend travel documentaries
A couple of African safaris
And a slideshow by Uncle George
Of Colorado's Royal Gorge

Now I have the Travel Channel
Recline my way through the Chunnel
Eat supper atop Mount Everest
Cross the Gobi Desert without thirst

Logged many a mile on I-70 and 35
Longest Kansas City or Colorado drive
I envy you who have taken a cruise
Here I sit singing, "The Stay At Home Blues"



Roger A. Davis

My stockiness was the problematic source
I couldn’t escape on the vaulting horse
Because mounting comes before dismount
My gymnastic skills were in much discount

Suspended rope from gym ceiling, no way
Biceps and calves, they did betray
Running laps. I could not participate
Sides did ache, paper bag, hyperventilate

An incident sending me to the school nurse
It could have been the funeral home's hearse
P. E. teacher had us form a line
I always tried to get way behind

A large mat had been rolled up
Mr. Williams gave instructions I didn't hear
So I just watched in my place at the rear
All the while, I prayed the bell would interrupt

Alas, my turn came to dive over the mat
Unfortunately, not using arms, I did just that
Landed on my head, wrenched my neck
Got up, blacked out, hit the deck

Awoke in the nurse's office on a cot
It wasn't long to the E. R. I was brought
I wore for seven weeks a neck brace
And gained a hiatus from the P. E. rat race

Playing dodge ball was a gas
Unless you were picked last
Or counting off for shirts and skins
Being humiliated for your gluttony sins

Worst of all was locker room dressing
Anticipating this was very depressing
Physical education was a real bummer
Every day, I longed for summer

Funny, later I became a good athlete
Hated to practice, but loved to compete
Now retired, disabled in a wheelchair seat
Watching others play sports is my treat



Roger A. Davis

Steam to U.N.
Also Empire's friend

On NYSE, a lasting subsidiary
An energy utility

Have gas too
Provided you have a flue

The butt of Carson's jokes
You know, those blackout pokes

Small area of Queens
Is Con Edison clean

CEO, Kevin Burke
Suppose, free electricity perk?

59 customers in 1882
$25 billion in assets today, who knew?

Overhead, underground
Wire and pipes abound

Pay your bill online
Avoid late fee fine

Con Ed Solutions
Wind and hydro for less pollution

For gas, steam and electricity
It’s Con Ed in NYC



Roger A. Davis

The tradition of our family vacation
Colorado mountains, main location
Timeline, late 50s, early 60s
Living in tents, no amenities

The Coleman stove we always took
Mom, Bobbie Jean, the cook
Stream water to wash each dish
Supper, fried Spam or fish

Day in, day out, we pursued trout
Every year, a Colorado camp out
When wheat harvest was done
We headed toward the setting sun

I think the year was 1962
Of the Davis family coup
In regard to our fishing trips
Bobbie said, "No way," hands on hips

"No Colorado, and a room with a view
And no cooking, too"
Dad didn’t confide in a travel guide
Chose Missouri to please his bride

Area called Ha Ha Tonka, our destination
Five days of rest and relaxation
When we left Kansas, it was awful hot
On arriving, not much of a temperature drop

Our small two room cabin had no AC
And God forbid, no TV
There was a little kitchenette
Dad started to sweat and fret

We opened all two windows
And shed most of our clothes
Also prayed for a little breeze
Amongst all those dang trees

Hungry, Dad checked on eating spots
Nearby, only a mom & pop grocery shop
The other store, last chance gas stop
Mom stewed, but used the cooking pots

The sights to see from the cabin's porch
A bluff with a mansion, ruined and scorched
Small lake, hills and a sign, "No Swimming"
Our emotions and bodies were simmering

No one was interested in taking a hike
Nor was there any place to rent a bike
Us kids complained of nothing to do
Also, sarcastically saying, " Ha Ha Tonka, woo hoo"

So after two days and two nights
Of knife cutting tension and fights
We took flight before daylight
With every mile, we became less uptight

The highlight was on the way back
A Dad incident, a serious lack of tack
Pulled into an A&W Rootbeer Stand
Finally, a meal Bobbie didn't fix by hand

The carhop came up to get our order
R. L. acted spastic with a speech disorder
Mom turned red, us kids thought it neat
And Rick gave the order from the back seat

"Ha Ha Tonka" became a catch phrase
This lasted at least 362 days
It was used jokingly in the Davis clan
And in the next year's Colorado vacation plan

(Disclaimer: In 1978, Ha Ha Tonka became
a state park. Much development has made
Missouri a premiere vacation area.)



Roger A. Davis

Amos & Andy, radio sitcom, colored folk
Aired on TV until NAACP didn't like the joke
I Love Lucy, Ricardo and Mertz
Stomping grapes made your sides hurt

Dick Van Dyke, the footstool spike
Mary Tyler Moore and Rhoda, we like
Cosby Show, watch them grow
Hey, hey, Bill, try a cornrow

My main man, Bob Newhart
Classic, Fran and Emily switched parts
A Johnny Carson stand-in or at Vermont inn
His use of a telephone made you grin

Perfect Strangers, "I've got a plan", Larry
And his cousin from Mypos, Balki
My vote for sitcom all time best
Hilarious scene, bowling after eye test

Malcolm In The Middle, dysfunctional family
My favorite character, little Dewey
A Malcolm moment, a short speech
Poor Francis, blamed for being born breech

Everybody Loves Raymond's, Peter Boyle
Emmy winning Doris Roberts, his foil
Spin-off, King of Queens
Fox fall release, ‘Til Death, it seems

The King of Spin-off, Frasier Crane
A regular of Cheers fame
Great witty one-liners galore
They don’t make them like that anymore

Nostalgia reruns on TV
Some, I would pay big bucks for the DVD
Monk and Psych head my current events
Sitcoms, hardening of airwaves, it prevents



Roger A. Davis

Eden Prairie Prose highlight
Black, yellow, red or white
They are all precious on my site

Arched spectrums of lights
"Alex, what are rainbows?"
No more 40 days and 40 nights

"Coat of Many Colors"
Made Joseph's kin not get along
Also my favorite Dolly Parton song

Crayola, started with eight
Then came a spate of hues
In 1958, 64 to choose

Elementary students at our desk
Selecting shades was for some
A worrisome test, lavender or plum?

Crayola has produce a kaleidoscope
Fuzzy wuzzy brown, tickle me pink
What's next, white kitchen sink?

Jackie Robison broke the color line
So did I in every coloring book
He was a hero, me a crayon schnook

Did you have a paint box tin?
A watercolors palette and brush
Attempting an Audubon's thrush?

Landscapes have brought me to tears
The beauty of colors in nature and art
A soulful joy it does impart

What's your favorite color? Mine is yellow
A school bus just makes me smile
I'll check for colorful comments in awhile



Roger A. Davis

Listening to my grandparents reminiscing
Was for me a very special treat
Especially around the table after Sunday's eat

A trip to California in a car with running boards
Where they packed the baggage overflow
And on the return trip, used as produce stow

One about Mama Grace and her scars
Couples loaded in Model T, lost control
Barbed wire fence, I'd moan "Oh No!"

Tales about hired hands on the farm
She said she should write a book
One jumped from a combine, a rabbit to look

There was Tex, our favorite one
Kindest alcoholic I've ever known
Taught me to cook on my own

He would work very diligently
Followed by a drinking spree
When trying to stop, he'd have DTs

Papa Grace would fetch Tex back
Never threatening to sack
See, we were his second family

On that final hospital stay
Mama Grace told us what the doc said
"One more binge, Tex will be dead"

Knowing this, he said his "Good-byes"
And gave me his 50 Chevy to my surprise
This was related to me as I cried

Most of my memory tidbits are sweet
Telling them to others, I have relished
And yes, once or twice, embellished