Sunday, July 01, 2007



Roger A. Davis

Do you have hopelessness?
I have been there, I confess
Two suicide attempts I tried
But I didn’t die

I know many kinds of grief
Yet, God’s New Testament gave me relief
Fetal positions of remorse
But it was Jesus who overcame, of course

Recent happenings have tested that resolve
But His overcoming grace has dissolved
Any bitterness or doubt
My banner is a Hallelujah shout

His Lordship is my anchor in a tempest storm
It has become my norm
Jesus is my high place
Seriously, no questioning His grace

Sad songs are needed and okay
They can help us get through the day
Eventually, we must sing His praises
Because this will resurrect and raise us



Roger A. Davis

Greenwich, E.S.T or Tea Time
This is creation’s pace
But God's stop clock doesn’t time last place

Jets can travel through multi-zones
Our Heavenly Father sees the beginning and end
Upon his heavenly throne

We humans can get caught up in the moment
Forgetting our journey is directed from above
Our love tour, because of Jesus, for whom I love

They, Thine, not mine, Yours will be done
So, as I say goodbye to the setting sun
I know, tomorrow, life will be an adventure of fun

My journey has changed with the passing of my wife
Yet, I’m so thankful she is free from her load of strife
I will travel light now in God’s mysterious ways
Knowing I will be with her again in Eternity Time Zone Days



Roger A. Davis

Who are those that do these kinds of deeds?
Are they people just meeting random needs?
I think their hearts have a specialness
Giving because they in kind have been blessed

Fellow sojourners who have been helped along
Wanting others to sing a "Thank God" song
Knowing all we have is a trust
To share is only just

Not like a routine church tithe
Spontaneity that is fresh and alive
Not needing others to sing their praises
Even "thank yous" are unneeded phrases

The media reports a vast amount of news
Most paint life in dark hues
The random giver is not a front pager
Seldom ever mentioned, I wager

Let’s again ask the question “Why”
Whatever the various reasons
Bottom line is, they try
To Chritmasize all four seasons

Some recipients doubt their intent
It would be naïve not to wonder
A clear blue sky present
I believe the giver likes their ponder

I know, often being on the receiving end
It’s easier being the giver, friend
So, no matter what comes your way
Look out for who you can help today



Roger A. Davis

Michael is my Eden Prairie School attic assister
His mom is Penni and Brittney is his 11 year old sister
He climbs the steps for load after load
If I worked that hard, my heart would explode

Michael drives a white GMC truck that has loud pipes
You have got to expect from an 18 year old mechanic type
He is soon to graduate, being a senior in high school
But let me tell you, folks, Penni didn't raise a fool

Soon to be off to Houston, Texas to become a professional wrench hand
Penni is already sad about his leaving the family band
No worries, mate, his upbringing has equipped him for a glorious fate
It's to the plus of the tech school, Michael in the Longhorn state

But for now I'm being blessed by his excellent toil
Getting ready for the auction on Eden Prairie soil
I'm paying him good money
But, My Lord, he never stops, like the Eveready Bunny

We get along well, he is one of initiative
That, in a young man, is rare
Yes, my readers, I know what I believe
Michael is a kind person and more than fair

His only drawback is that pencil thin beard on his chin
But what the heck, 99 out of 100 is still a win
There is also his busy schedule dating Stevie
I understand high school sweethearts, as were Peggy and me

So thank you, Michael Davis, for the great job done
Once again, bossing and managing was so much fun
My prayer for you, Michael, is each day
You will know God plans your way



Roger A. Davis

Eden Prairie School had an auction sale
The work getting ready left Roger somewhat frail
He had some Godsend help for the task
Even now, I'm in a thanksgiving bask

Much Peggy and I acquired in 36 years
So the auctioneer's selling caused some tears
Went the minimalist look
Strange, a school with nary a book

It was fun giving before the sale treasures away
And the answer is, "YES,” I'm going to stay
Collecting is in my blood and bones
Josh took much to a new house he owns

My son has many family treasures
Scads of photographs for viewing pleasures
As well as the netsukes and southwest pottery
So now they won’t be dusted by little old me

Molly thought it strange on arriving home
Wow, a vast inside area to roam
Friends are concerned that I sold too much
But if there’s a need, they'll be there in the clutch

My family and friends are what I really hold dear
Never on the auction block will they disappear
So now I have plenty of space
To buy and start filling a new showcase

What will be the theme of these collections
My prose and the many blessing recollections
Oh yes, I will go to a gun and knife show or two
But be on your watch, I might just visit you



Roger A. Davis

Sitting in my homemade log chair
On the back patio of red adobe colored cement
The sounds of Eden Prairie make me content
Let me share the beauty of the air

Two females and one cardinal serenade
With the many trees singing of their shade
The tall pines give us a chorus of peace
Brome grass accompanies with their fleece

Bobwhite is the hale of quail
Blue jays join in the bird choir
All this with sunrise fires
Even more glorious as the day expires

Cattle on four sides for stereo moo
With an owl’s whoo-whoo
Canopy of stars backdrop a symphony
With frogs, insects and the howling coyote

I join in with an inspired “Ah”
As this body immerses in the Cal Spa
Then there is Molly’s occasional bark
Caused by a far off dog or a noisy meadowlark

A thunderstorm brings me out of my dorm
I love to hear and see the slash and crash
And clouds boil and form
Yes, I know being out in it is rash
God makes this amazing display
It’s even free, nothing to pay

Lastly, my favorite sound of EPS is laughter
With a remembered joke or story
Now, to me, this is a special glory
More so with family and friends
After a meal, a time of chuckles and grins