Saturday, April 24, 2010



Roger A. Davis

I met a restaurant manager one day
She seemed to adopt me as a friend right away
All her staff she puts at ease
And she could take a good-natured tease

Lisa, I know you like to kick back
With a drink and a snack
To relax and watch a movie
Your vast taste I find groovy

I’ve witnessed your giving heart
And an inner beauty that surfaces in your smile that gives me a start
A genuine caring gal towards all
You’re a superstar in life’s theater, my little doll



Roger A. Davis

Bree aims to please
Menu selection, she puts you at ease
Stone Creek, her home much of the day
A server with an epicurean way

Braided hair that forms a halo
Bree moves from tables with appreciative eyes in tow
Only one visit, and then on the next
She remembered my favorites without a message text

She seems to carry a burden in her heart
My prayer: It will soon depart
Mushroom soup and chocolate breaded pudding she has served me
Bree has given taste delight memories

Thank you, girl, for waiting on me
And more, with an occasional tease



Roger A. Davis

Those hip-hugger swaying hips
My, what sweetly formed lips
They sing jukebox melodies
Eddie, never stop, please, please, please
Her song and her beau’s
Puts Eddie in a passionate throe
Wish it could be me, don’t you know
Yet it is enough to be in her afterglow
Garbled words, Eddie, from a country boy hick
But, Sweet Jesus, you light up my Bic



By Raddad

My sister Joy inspired me to be a storyteller. She’s a puppet person and Gerald helped. This, kids, is a gift from us - Joy, Gerald and me. I might add: While he was growing up, I told Josh countless episodes of Buffalo, Rabbit and Prairie Dog before he went to bed. He loved them. “One more, please,” he said.

I dedicate this one to him, who said I needed to write a book about them. So, Josh, here is your ‘one more.’

Thank you for being here for me. And, Amanda, I thank you, too.


There was a big snow storm on Christmas Eve at Mama and Papa Cook’s ranch. On the road near the ranch near the buffalo wallow – there’s no traffic – blizzard – BRRRRR!

You remember that all three live in the pasture in that perfect nest. A wallow made by Buffalo’s prehistoric ancestors.

Well, Buffalo is special. No human eye can see Him. He’s an angel. He has many names – Buffalee, Buffala, Buffalie, and Buffaloo - but, good friends call him ‘Buffalo.’

Prairie Dog and Rabbit live with Him. Prairie Dog and Rabbit had their own hole in the ground called a burrow. They played games every day. They never aged and possessed childlike spirits. But, if you saw them at the ranch, you would just think everything’s normal. Even little Jerrod could never kill them. They are invincible. If they did get hurt, Buffalo healed them instantly.

A good friend to have, huh?

Back to the story …

Prairie Dog and Rabbit were subjected to all of earth’s forces like gravity, cold, heat, and hunger. But, not Buffalo. He’s an angel. Every snow fall, rain, sleet, tornado, whatever, makes Him happy. He loves all of God’s creations – good and bad, just like His Maker.

But then came the Blizzard of 2009. Something changed. Prairie Dog and Rabbit could not find Buffalo, only a large drift in the wallow. But they knew that after every snow, big or little, it melted off of Buffalo instantly because He is extremely warm in the cold and very cool in heat. That is why their homes were not deep.

But Buffalo is not to be seen. Should they worry? Did He leave and go back to Heaven? They called out His name many times.

Another animal appeared, a white hawk, and said, “Don’t be afraid. Buffalo is playing a trick on you. You know He is a jokester. That drift is an igloo covered with snow and Buffalo is looking out at you and laughing.”

Then, right at the moment White Hawk flew away, up pops Buffalo and He has been transformed into a WHITE BUFFALO.

And, do you know what He says?


This is an old family saying with us. The first to say it on greeting family on Christmas Day wins. No prize; just fun competition. It is said to be an old Southern tradition and has been going on in my family for at least six generations.

As with all of my stories, there is a parable.

The White Buffalo is an animal that represents God. God comes every year and tells us that He is a gift from Him. Our families are our gifts, and this story is a gift from God.

I can’t wait for 2010, so Christmas Gift is for me an every day occurrence.

The following excerpt was copied from the
“Old Governor’s Mansion, Milledgeville, Georgia”
Office of Electronic Educational Services
of Georgia College & State University

Federal Union, Milledgeville, January 2, 1855

A Dull Christmas

That unwelcome visitor "Hard Times," has put his finger into the Holidays, and spoiled to a great extent, the long, coveted enjoyment of two classes in our midst, hitherto supposed to be privileged, by the very laws of Christmas. The negroes and children have had a poor Christmas of it. Masters and fathers have found an immediate use for every cent in their possession; hence the "colored population" have not had the customary representation "in town," and doll-babies, toys, sugar candy, and fire-poppers(*), have been permitted to "lie on the table for the present." This is an unfavorable symptom, and augurs badly to the state of the money market. We could desire no better finance thermometer that Christmas, could we keep it by us. If the negroes have no money, and even refrain from the customary salutation, "Chrismas gif, massa," and the little children stay at home, content to play with last year’s presents, then, indeed, the times are hard. But there’s luck in odd numbers, maybe Christmas in 1855 will be better.

(*) A Mr. Roger’s notation: Did they have Jolly Rancher Fire Stix? Ha ha. Hope you all like Margie’s research for the Davis Family.

P.S. I hope Christmas 2010’s “Christmas Gift” will be more of a warm and cozy kind.



Roger A. Davis

We took off last night from our last mission’s location. We were swept into a black hole and were carried and thrown toward Earth. All people on board seem to have gone through a transformation. There is a sense that all things have become new. Our bodies collectively feel young and invigorated. So, the date log is being entered new.


I, Captain Rogers, the oldest of the crew, seem to have gone through the biggest change. As you know from recent past episodes, I had been attacked by aliens. I wrecked space transporters and there were malfunctions during beaming up from abductions. There was a loss of some of my cognitive and other bodily functions, etc. Well, this has not worsened, but seems to be on the mend.

We are now logging what was decided in our flight deck meeting:

• We have entered a new era of space, time and dimension. We are going where no man or being has ever gone before. It is our mission to take this newness of life to Earth, which we view out of our portals. She is so breathtaking!
• We hope, on landing by transporters or beaming down, we will bring this joy we have for each other and all we experience. We might be surprised since our last visit – Earth itself and its inhabitants may have much to teach us.


Yes, we had a small mutiny on board. I am no longer the official captain; just in name. And the crew decided to change the Starship name to just “X.”

I’m pretty much confined to quarters but can receive visitors and, I’m told, an occasional outing. It’s a treat just to go to Sick Bay where they treat me like their dad – nice looking women, though. God, how I like the female body!

Now that’s the kind of planet we should visit; one full of gracious ladies needing us to discover the inner most secrets. I know upon these discoveries, we could do away with much that has caused the galaxies harm.

Well, I have my dreams and I just have to do it in a smaller way. And I do mean smaller – one on one.


Since the mutiny, I have not been able to shit. Here in space orbit, it happens because the gravity pull is not the same. But, shit does happen.

Anyway, from past experience, I’ve had some weird encounters – heads, toilets, and with other areas for the disposing of body excrements - but nothing like on Day 3.

Trying to go, but with cramping and only gas, and hoping against needing the dreaded IN-AMA ray gun used on my anus. It always takes two people with special protective clothing for the first shot. You may dispense an alien hoard. This is why you need a back-up. Then they use soap suds on the second round; for what, God doesn’t even know.

Well, thank Pluto’s moons; I had the longest shit in my 60 light years. It just went on and on; and, with singing Hallelujahs, ended with a nightcap of diarrhea.

Knowing everything on the ship is recorded because of the fragile ecosystem, I contacted the Command Desk and asked to make an announcement. Being as I was being – a lamb about my stand down from real authority – they piped it to the whole ship. This is what I said:

“You will be happy to know, your Captain wiped out the whole planet of aliens at 7:50 BM. There were no survivors. There were complications, worst ever, for me. They caused much, much hemorrhoid pain. But, after the duration lasted, much pleasure. And a record was set expelling the dead bodies.

First, waste expulsion clogged up. Special equipment was used before a second attempt. A discussion was also needed. We took a chance and, yes, a plunger became necessary. And then, by two more, until all but clean followed.

As your Captain, I feel it is my duty to inform all now that C Deck is fit for inhabitance again.

One more comment: Please, no congratulatory memorials are necessary. My bleeding asshole says it all.

Good Night and Good B.M. to you of the Starship X!”


I spent some of my day reviewing back logs to figure out why I was relieved of my command. I know I put up a fight and had to be restrained by a shot from a phaser gun set at 4.

When they brought me a container from Command Deck today, it included cards, poker chips and pornographic material. I guess I did spend more time on these pursuits, encouraging others in these endeavors, than on our mission projects. But, what the hell, I saved their asses so many times from destruction, etc. I was tired and wanted fun. And it seems that every new recruit coming on board is more gorgeous than the one before … well, the men - not so much.

They took me to the Medical Deck. On examining the phaser burn, “Healed up nicely,” they told me.

Getting used to in-house arrest, I had great evenings of meditating on what’s going to happen in the near future. My son will be a Star Fleet Admiral, where he will practice despotism. They won’t be kicking me around much longer.

Guess I’ll brush off the space dust on this magazine called, Titties Float In Space.


Drained, been fighting alien janitorial bathroom workers. It seems rashes of these attacks are happening to many of the Fleet Captains. One factor is age, and others say we are too sure of ourselves.

For two days, they wouldn’t let me into the head. Finally, after my brutal calls of, “Mercy!,” they backed off and I was able to immerse into a meditative state, followed by a rare physical feat of complete control of my bowel movements. I went where no man has gone before.

I signed a peace treaty and gave thanks.



Roger A. Davis

Have Gimp Will Travel
Yet, looking out for pieces of large gravel
No cartilage in my knees
No pity, please

Cognitive thought with each step
In the wheelchair is the only except
Many across this big wide world have gimps, too
Our hearts go out to those who can’t walk at all like you

So, count your blessings for body mobility motion
It’s a special gift – locomotion
For many count the cost of pain
By the moments, days and years they will live in pain



Roger A. Davis

Definition 3 is for me:
Changeable or inconstant person is thee
Think you got Him figured out?
Then you have doubts
The Word says, no shadow of changing
Yet we forget His re-arranging
The multiplex personality is seen in each one of us
Truly God is thus
Bullets and bombs are real
But to Our Father it’s no big deal
For He sees that it’s all the same
He is protected from the “Oh, you should be ashamed”
Because the end result
Is the everlasting love exalt