Roger A. Davis
My stockiness was the problematic source
I couldn’t escape on the vaulting horse
Because mounting comes before dismount
My gymnastic skills were in much discount
Suspended rope from gym ceiling, no way
Biceps and calves, they did betray
Running laps. I could not participate
Sides did ache, paper bag, hyperventilate
An incident sending me to the school nurse
It could have been the funeral home's hearse
P. E. teacher had us form a line
I always tried to get way behind
A large mat had been rolled up
Mr. Williams gave instructions I didn't hear
So I just watched in my place at the rear
All the while, I prayed the bell would interrupt
Alas, my turn came to dive over the mat
Unfortunately, not using arms, I did just that
Landed on my head, wrenched my neck
Got up, blacked out, hit the deck
Awoke in the nurse's office on a cot
It wasn't long to the E. R. I was brought
I wore for seven weeks a neck brace
And gained a hiatus from the P. E. rat race
Playing dodge ball was a gas
Unless you were picked last
Or counting off for shirts and skins
Being humiliated for your gluttony sins
Worst of all was locker room dressing
Anticipating this was very depressing
Physical education was a real bummer
Every day, I longed for summer
Funny, later I became a good athlete
Hated to practice, but loved to compete
Now retired, disabled in a wheelchair seat
Watching others play sports is my treat
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