A message in honor of Loren Hastings Davis
Our Grandfather
August 9, 1986
Roger A. Davis
We remember in our early years a giant of a man. A man who helped our Dad build our home. We remember a grandfather who loved and laughed with us as we grew. One who told us stories about ourselves and others with great pleasure.
We remember a loving inventor. A builder who made for us special toys and treasures – like a motor scooter, a go-cart, and we all remember the block elevator that our children now play with.
And we remember as we grew older a teacher who showed us how to work and that work was a blessing, not a curse.
We remember our grandfather as a farmer – a respected teacher – a school administrator, respected by peers and students for his abilities of fairness, moral excellence and teaching the Joy of Learning.
We remember our grandfather and grandmother as examples of a loving family reaching out and surrounding us in a sea of love.
And, as the years went on and we grew older, Pop became our counselor, our historian, our repairer!
All of us know of the many times he has fixed our machines of labor – lawn mowers, fans, vacuums, wiring. In fact, the home I live in now – my Dad and Pop completely remodeled. Many of us are using in our homes tables, chairs, saws, stoves, lawn mowers, and many other things that our grandfather restored or made.
Some mean speak of their love – our grandfather speaks volumes of his love by what he has done for us.
Our memories would not be complete if we left out Pop’s sense of humor. Our legacy and our inheritance is the joy and fun we had with Papa Grace. We all remember his many stories – mostly about family and friends. One of our favorites was one he would use when he came to a family dinner. And, as was his custom, he would give thanks for his many blessings. Then he would proceed to eat and eat and eat. But when Pop would get done, he would push his chair back from the table, cross his long legs, put his napkin by his plate – clear his throat to get your attention – and say, “Well, it was a pretty good meal … what there was of it!” Then he would wait a few seconds and dodge a kick from Mama Grace – then laugh and laugh and start another story of humorous remembrance.
We would like to share in closing that we heard our grandfather was called many names – all of them with complete respect. Loren – L.H. – Mr. Davis – and Pop. We grandkids, and many other children Pop had contact with, knew him as Papa Grace. Grace is our grandmother’s first name and we, as little children, grew up calling them Papa and Mama Grace. And, as the years of our lives passed by, we realized just how appropriate the name Papa Grace fits … for Grace means unconditional love and that is what we have received from them both all our lives.
Our Papa Grace, a Christian, shared with us the story of his conversion in his adolescent years and we, his family, have seen the fruits of God’s spirit throughout his life.
So when Jesus Our Lord and Savior says to us, “I go to prepare a place for you; For where I am – There you will be also,” Papa Grace is there. Pop had a good life here on this place we call earth. He partook of its joys and sorrows. Gave much to it and to us. And, I know Pop said in his special way to the Lord, “Well, it was pretty good – what there was of it! But let’s you and I, Lord, get on with preparing a place for my family. I’ve got a lot of new ideas for treasures and toys in the making of their mansions.”
Let us Pray …
Heavenly Father:
We thank you for our Grandfather, Papa Grace. We remember his specialness today and realize that each of us has our own special remembrance.
Father, we realize that Papa Grace’s life and his love are a small reflection of your own specialness.
Our prayer is that we, too, may believe in your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and receive eternal life, as our Papa Grace. Then we, too, can go to that place Papa Grace and Jesus are preparing for us.
We pray in Jesus’ name …