Sunday, March 01, 2009



Roger A. Davis

Some set goals to arrive
If trouble comes, many take a nose dive
For others, like me
Just the trip brings glee

In our quests for fulfillment
For all, there is some lament
To rise above the roadblocks
You must overcome the stumbling blocks

We turn the lemons into ade
And do not let our happiness fade
There are always paths through the maze
Get back on the horse! Don’t accept the setback phase

One more step can set us on our enjoyment course
If faith is a guiding source
We are not seeking an end
Let’s just ‘Enjoy the journey,’ my friend



Roger A. Davis

Light, object, beholder’s eye
Beauty causes a pleasurable sigh
Whether a dead tree
Or a lighthouse, background: the sea

Best times are dusk and dawn
Looking up, spot a doe and a fawn
On my lampshade are wind mills
Giving me daily thrills

You are thinking of your favorite scenes
Even if they are from movies on theater screens
Childhood hand images of rabbit and snake
Shadow shows, what were you able to make?

Medical use of X-rays
Spotlight for Broadway plays
The list is long for many a silhouette
'The Eye of the Beholder' from Marquette



Roger A. Davis

Keeps you from going bump in the night
Or to prevent a scaredy-cat from getting uptight
A comfort zone, I think we all would agree
Exception: Pitch black, no light, they want to see

After dark, city lights are a treat
If heading home, they are there to greet
A lighthouse protecting rocky shores
And warning signals, trouble if one ignores

One sight I like is the crescent moon stage
A dislike, a forest fire’s burning rage
Unless the logs are in a fireplace
Then it earns a ‘Happy Face’

Humans are like moths in part
Drawn to lights like a horse, carrot and cart
Some say that is why we ventured into space
Conquering visits to the moon’s face

Creatures of light is our destiny
After death, we will see
If this biblical truth is real
A place with no night is the promised deal



Roger A. Davis

Your PC monitor is one
By Internet, it takes you everywhere under the sun
Your laptop even has hinges that open the screen
I wish I had one, they are sure keen

I have one on my back door
With a sliding glass pane that comes up from the floor
Good for a fall and spring breeze
Closed in winter, not wanting to freeze

Cool summer nights instead of using your A/Cs
A box fan will bring the temp down sufficient degrees
Plus it will air out the house with sweet summer scents
And save you some dollars and cents

There can be some drawbacks
Like skunk and cat attacks
You might be startled from your sleep
And if a skunk sprays, you will leap

My cat comes and meows ‘Hi’
I say, ‘I'm sleeping, good night and good bye’
Most times, it is her way of ringing the dinner bell
She doesn’t understand ‘Wait a spell’

Growing up, most screen doors had steel springs
And to lock them, they had hooks and eye rings
I liked running in and out, letting them bang
But often heard criticism with the word 'Dang!’



Roger A. Davis

The Crime Scene: The Girls Bathroom
Thought it was a spider, but a dust bunny met his doom
Smashed it to bits with my cane
I don’t think it felt any pain

There may be a hit out on me by organized dryer lint
I need a mediator to plead no harmful intent
Maybe I should turn myself in to the authorities
On examining the crime scene, dust bunnies are not the minorities

Cobwebs and carpet lint present, too
In a darkish room it’s easy to make a felony boo-boo
I turned myself in to the police
Promise of community service, I got release

Now into rest homes to clean out lint dryer traps
Could have been worse punishment, perhaps
I take my captive bunnies into my abode
And into a mattress I do load
They give me creature comfort every day
Don’t you feel it is a fit ending this way?



Roger A. Davis.

Hitting the elbow, not that one
Isn’t any fun
We’re talking humorous
Not the bone, humerus

A lot of negatives in those four lines
We want laughs, not whines
Our goal here is chuckles
Not brass knuckles

No bone to pick with ‘Knock Knock’ jokes
Unless it’s a progression of blonde jokes
And retire the ‘Why the chicken crossed the road?’
Unlike vintage wine, they’re stale and old

Most Super Bowl commercials go for jest
This year, I thought Doritos were the best
The glass ball opening the vending machine
Then the boss getting it in the gonads, that was mean

Laughing at your own jokes, some say, is wrong
I’m guilty; chuckling in chat rooms saying I wear a pink thong
Yet, most are aware that I love to kid
And know that I never did

I bet, like me, you get funny emails every day
Receiving one-liners and more to make your tummy sway
Yes, some should be censored and rated ‘X’
I confess I don’t open the pics, but I do the text

I thank The Lord every day for his creations
And humor is in the Top Ten of His donations
So I love giving to others a poem or a story
I sure hope He is laughing and gets the glory

I thought about including my email address
To solicit jokes, but rejected that; hee hee, I confess
Why did the chicken cross the road?
It was an expressway and she wanted to prove to the other cluck clucks that she was bold



Roger A. Davis

Football Bowl Game watchers, I have a bone to pick
Dumping of the Gatorade is starting to make me sick
The networks must think it is worthy of camera time
So here is a ‘Does anybody feel like me?’ rhyme

Coach on the players’ shoulders, please carry
This would make me more merry
Do away with midfield handshake
Coaches’ ‘Good Game’ is such a fake

In college, the cooler baptism is lame
Especially in a blowout game
More like teenage pranks
Than ‘Hey, Coach, thanks’

Even in the NFL, it takes place
Madden does a play-by-play of it, that’s a sad case
More camera attention to cheerleaders, if you may
It would make a better Sunday

Email the networks, you armchair quarterbacks
And we couch defense linebackers will send mail sacks
To get a switch in camera priority
TV fans should have the ultimate authority