Wednesday, July 01, 2009



Roger A. Davis

I should be one, remembering coming from you at birth
Many have disputed this and it has caused exceeding mirth
Being the family's boastful storyteller
Is it a middle child thing that I'm such a yeller?

"No apologies necessary," Bobbie Jean will say
Our mom is excellent at accepting the cards as they lay
When I call, she always has time for me
Even it if is during Prime Time on TV

I often read her my writings first
Being a momma's boy, seeking her accolades is my thirst
And as a loving mother should, she fulfills the bill
Never uttering a negative or an unkind trill

"Mom, I'm your momma's boy to our earthly end"
You are my sounding board and more, a great friend
This is your Happy Mother's Day card that I've signed
Thanking the Lord for our relationship that He designed



Roger A. Davis

Hannah Elizabeth and Daniel Joseph, thou art wed
Two have become one, to be known on the marriage bed
The service is in an Eden-like place
With flowers, friends, the Trinity and lace

Now each day and moment, a tale of one
The author takes a duet and writes a solo to be sung
So much sweeter, you will see
It is the great mystery

For it is the fashion of Jesus and His bride
And in you, Daniel and Hannah, the Heavenly Father takes great pride
In your union and love vow
Just as our wills to Jesus, we do bow

What He wants is for you to enjoy and grow in grace
Finding His blessings in each and every place
What some might call difficulties, together you will overcome
In the Father, Son, and Spirit, one is now the key sum

This is a poem, prayer and blessing tune
Sunday, 2009, the twenty-eighth of June
May your romance blossom like this prairie garden
And may none of life's weeds make your heart harden


Dedicated to McPherson Memorial Hospital
and the Third Floor caregivers

Roger A. Davis

A good place for getting well
But the reason might be a pain, do tell
Thank God for these houses of healing
Though it seems, at that time, not appealing

We can see the Lord’s hand at work
Just getting results is our perk
For some it may be death, for others new health
It’s all contained in His wealth

To live is Christ, to die is gain
The result of all our pain
Health-givers we meet
Is a special treat

Doctors, nurses, especially the aides
Yet, all staff is part of this gift basket
No mint on the beds
Just helpful meds

Take your meds and the love
Knowing it comes from above



Roger A. Davis

I’m King Friday
Each day is TGIF, weee!!!
All days are weekends for this retiree
So boogie down, party

My scheduling is based on spontaneity
Unless loved ones have sent an invite
Just looking forward to life's gratuity
Taking in each and every sight

Homebound now because of black outs
Some loneliness, being an 'on the go’ type
Now finding new routes
Dependent on others, let there be no gripe

I have been much aided
Every day I'm persuaded
That whatever the next moment reveals
It is the cards my Heavenly Father deals

My neighborhood is a card, visit, TV, call or email
Or just someone thinking of me
Someday I’ll make bail
Yet, in Jesus, indeed I’m free

So come and take off your work shoes
Enjoy the songs, including the blues
Knowing we are all special in His sight
Have a beautiful day in the neighborhood tonight



Roger A. Davis

A stile is an access way over a boundary
Such as steps over a fence or a wall
The cool part, no gate to close, that’s the key
Not having to put the horse in a stall

We had one on our ranch in Barber County
Going to the adjoining ranch house made it handy
No railing, though, made it a little tense
Yet a small price to pay not having to open a barbwire fence

Cattle gates of oil pipe construction are sweet
The animals stay put because they worry about their feet
Yet, we can drive over and no gate to fight
Just breeze on in as we sit tight

Are you getting the idea, I like things that make access easy?
Elevators and escalators, anything that doesn’t leave you wheezy
Turnstiles and automatic doors
Standard at department stores

If you are out and about and a little old lady needs an assist
Or a child, or a pet, etc., don’t resist
Just remember how good it feels to be cared for
Even a cool cup of water given in His name is amour