Saturday, July 03, 2010



Roger A. Davis

Hands like Cole Aldrich
They help me when I have to counter switch
Oliver thinks he is a klutz
Not true, he helps me very much
Finding items I can’t reach on my own
Always smiles, never a help-yourself moan
Hy-Vee is lucky to have Oliver as an employee
Again, you are TOP SHELF to me



Roger A. Davis

A word game at which I’m the best
Try me and you’ll say yes
5 letters, give me one
Torso, legs, arm, head – son of a gun
Please, a word with an “x”
I bet I’ll be a winner. What next?
Mauve or another color
Please, you’ll suffer
A childhood game, some say
But that stickman won’t hang; no way



Roger A. Davis

Do you feel weighted down?
Newton’s Law of Gravity measures your body by the pound
Now these situations of life
You have options to deal with strife

A leap of faith will break your fall
Kind of like betting it all
We want to hold onto few
Yet God gave it all for you

He had no choice but to save everyone
Mankind, look at the photo finish – He won
Making all your selections is not that grave
And that’s for everything, Tom and Dave



Roger A. Davis

Nobody’s perfect.

Not true. The body of Christ is, and that being His bride on earth as it is in Heaven.

And it is, because it is in God’s or, let us say, Our Father’s mind, heart, soul and spirit.

It was that way in the beginning and always shall be, and the church says, ‘Amen!’

Now, the church is not just born-again Christians. That’s a given. The church is everyone who has been born and will be.

For God so loved the WORLD. He gave his only begotten Son, which is Himself, one of the Trinity. And the three cover all that has happened in history and that shall come to pass.

Do you choke on this?

Well, if you do, remember you were all a long way off in your minds until you were convinced you were found by His amazing love.

Jesus saved and saves by His blood power, given freely for all who might come to know Him.

Could this not be beyond your last breath? Yes, it can be.

This is the way of escape. For He says He will never give more than you can handle.

The world’s history tells us that our existence is more than we can handle. Death has gotten us all.

Now, death has no claim on our Heavenly Father who has seen that all were in His heart from the beginning. All will be with Him in the end. But He has no ending, so that is eternity.

If He condemns anyone, He would have to condemn Himself. Not possible.

Who will cast the first stone on race, religion, non-religion, creed, or sin? God has come back; the Second Coming is finished.

The homeless man on Massachusetts is Him. The elderly lady eating a donated meal at the Senior Center is her, His bride. You name them; they are in the Book of Life. Don’t you see it?

Life has been swallowed up in death, and death has been swallowed up in victory.

Prayer is conversation. His Word is in every word printed, yet more so in the stories of our own lives.

Why keep searching for something that is already here? Where’s Waldo?

Have you entertained angels unaware? Yes and no. If you have even given a cool drink of water, you have done it unto Me. Your reward is great – a loving heart.

Seriously, how much more can you want? Open our eyes to what the Spirit of the living God is saying to His creatures.

This I know … we are all precious in His sight.

It’s not ‘What would Jesus do?’ You are Jesus. Time could stand still or go backwards, or skip ahead a thousand years, and you would not be more loved than you are now. The only thing that remains is to be who we are created to be – a creature of praise.

Police, military and all kinds of angels are present in this world for lawbreakers.

What the world needs now is love, sweet love.

See Christ in all. The veil of understanding is being lifted to be known as we are known.

And the Church says, ‘Hey, man, you’re crazy!”

I wrote this poem in less than 22 minutes. Yet, it has taken me 60 years to learn it.

How long will it take you? In a twinkle of the eye?

Some are called to serve the crumbs from the banqueting table. Yet, Christ called the poor in spirit, of which many are the rich of the world.

It’s like the song ‘Proud Mary.’ On the Riverboat Queen, we know how to give. It’s not tithes. It’s in laughter, song, and creative endeavors – priceless things. Money is just money. Taking any with you?

I was a stumbling block. But, no more. For the foolishness of God is wiser than the wisest man to ever live.

Seriously, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, is upon the earth in each of us.



Roger A. Davis

Pictures of extended family adorned Peggy’s and my refrigerator
Plus magnets with figurines - just call me an ice box curator
My Aunt Donna sent me sayings that were attached to her kitchen cold spot
Yet, when she shared them, my poetic heart got hot

Here, for all readers, are treasures of philosophy
To get your day started with glee

You may search the universe for someone more worthy of your love and affection than yourself,
but such a person does not exist.
---Buddhist proverb

Reach out in the early morning mist
As the day’s sun
Breaks the calmness of the night
And rise to the new day
Shake hands with the world
And smile
It’s great to be alive

Duty pours a glass of milk
But Love stirs in a little chocolate syrup

Now, paste it on your ice box door
And you can have a morning gourmet meal that will sustain your inner core

Thank you, Donna. You truly practice what you preach.




Roger A. Davis

We all have regrets. But in heaven, there are none. If there were, the statement “No sorrows or tears” would not be true. So the prayer, “On Earth as it is in Heaven,” needs to be played out in each of our lives.

Many of us spend a lot of time with apologies. Even after a put-down, thinking, “If only I would have responded with a zinger.” To a statement like, “You’re old enough to be her father,” the response of, “Well, I am!”

I like the Australian comment, “No worries, Mate,” or “No problemo.” But, alas, it’s not in our normal flow. It takes time or a nature change or revelation that goes so deep into our beings. Supernatural Surgery – a dividing of the soul and spirit, where we are more spirit than soul.

Christianity calls it, “Death to the Old Man.” Other religions have their “Dark Night of the Soul,” “The Phoenix Rising,” “Nirvana Obtained.”

I’m there. My regret is that now I regret that I still regret. I guess that sounds hedonistic or egomaniacal. Yet, this I know without any shadow of doubt: Nothing will separate us from love or God; especially not regrets.

So, don’t bother him with making up for lost ground. Plow on, you harvesters of right thinking.