Monday, October 01, 2007



Roger A. Davis

We didn’t want to move from the lamp post
We were not sure there really weren’t ghosts
But the need for candy in our sacks
Sent us carefully making tracks

Other kids running out of shadows saying “Boo!”
Tempted us to exit home before our curfew
Yet the urge of our surgartooths
Made us press on against all sleuths

At one home, the takings were thin
A stick of gum, but on the porch a real looking goblin
This was Halloween before fear of unsafe treats
When tricks for most were innocent feats

I live in the country now
All I hear scary on All Saint's Hallow Eve
Is the coyote’s yowl
Goosebumps appear, are there ghost, do you believe?



Roger A. Davis

Just a buzzing in your ears
Wishing you were with your peers
TV distracts for an hour or two
The rest of the day is a social curfew

Get in the car and take a spin
But it’s back home soon again
People have pets for pals
I had to give up my Molly gal

Phone calls from friends are rare
I know they are busy and still care
I should join a club
Yet, I avoid because of being a fat tub

Yes, this is a down-in-the-dumps day
There are more of these than I’d like to say
My health situation is at an all time low
To heaven, Jesus and Peggy I’m ready to go

Trapped in a loneliness cage
Used to be so free from depression
Now reaping sin’s wage
Yet good news, I’m still God’s possession

Maybe tomorrow will be a good one
Free from some of this pain
And spiritual energy drain
My prayer, God’s Will Be Done



Roger A. Davis

Here in the central plains
Fall crops have gotten needed rains
For me, the cool nights call for throws
Because I open the windows

The days warm up somewhat
Corn and soybeans are being cut
I managed grain elevators for 30 years
My favorite crop was shelled corn off the ears

As some of you know, I’m a very large man
So sweat I avoided as well as a summer tan
Fall and winter with turning leaves and snow
What a spectacular color show

Now I don’t rake my yard, no neighbors to please
While I watch football & basketball at my ease
I wait for the winds to sweep them away
No hurry, it can be any spring or summer day



Roger A. Davis

You’re going down a road, that’s litter they just threw
You enter a toilet stall just vacated, there’s poo-poo
My friend Jack got accused of being unkind
A girl said he was staring lewdly, Jack is blind

Some acts of unkindness are just being rude
Telling a story that another considers crude
Now days the wording on t-shirts and hats
Would before have got us very painful bottom pats

Please and thank you omissions aren’t felonies
But it doesn’t change matters; the magic word is still PLEASE
Driving causes the most acts of random rage in the herd
Seems any unintentional error and many people give the bird

Now even that last line above is to some an offense
I apologize too; I’ll try not to be so dense
I’ll end this poem with Mama Grace's advice
Forgive if you are hurt or offended at least twice