Monday, December 01, 2008



Roger A. Davis

I wish this title was true on my PC
Yet, the server often disconnects, you see
Playing a game, get a good hand
Oops, and I'm in no-man’s-land

Yet, other links I cherish so
Like golf ones, players going toe to toe
Or links with the past
Memories of my family being the all-star cast

To church with white shirt and cuff links
Those days are long gone, me thinks
Link sausage isn't on my menu list
Or ID bracelet on my wrist

Linking toys are a favorite to play
Constructs and Lego, a way to have a good day
In my childhood, they were erectors sets and Lincoln Logs
Now days, it is my use of personal blogs

Cell phones have revolutionalized connection
Unless you’re in a dead zone, this is near perfection
Yet prayer is still the best link in the chain
All-loving, all-caring, guaranteed it will remain


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