Roger A. Davis
BANE: A cause of ruin, death or harm
Why didn’t people heed Ike’s alarm?
As soon as evacuations were broadcast
I, for one, would be out fast
I’ve had a secondhand experience of such
My son felt Katrina’s touch
Understatement: His dwelling was totally washed out to sea
For a few weeks, he came home and lived with Peggy and me
Newscasters stand out in the brunt
And storm chasers, tornadoes they hunt
Is it a public and scientific service they provide?
Or is it a legit death wish they hide?
Many of us have a morbid fascination with catastrophe
This can be seen in what we watch on TV
Bull riding, NASCAR and bloody fights
Yes, even when reality produces gruesome sights
Yet, the flip side is the rush of relief
Goodness overrides morbidity is my belief
I’m proud of the USA’s worldwide reach
During disasters, they fill in the breach
I end this poem on an appeal
To anyone staying out in a hurricane, make a will
Or when following a twister
Have your affairs in order, Ms., Mrs. and Mister
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