Roger A. Davis
Humility, is it your strong suit
Or are you a hedonist who doesn’t give a hoot?
The golden rule of “love thy neighbor as thyself”
Should be accomplished by meek stealth
If you must advertise your generosity
By self proclamations of good deeds
Your heart needs a gardener for those weeds
And not a show of false modesty
Holy Scriptures suggest becoming a servant
Considering others better than yourself
By serving others’ needs as most important
You will know true wealth
Jesus is an example of a life surrendered to serve
And because He did, we are eternally preserved
Is it asking too much for us to forego a few pleasures
To help others gather life's daily treasures?
I think not, but if you’re like me
We need help getting free from
The Me! Me! Me!
So Jesus, Savior and Servant, help, please
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