Roger A. Davis
I grew up with various strains of Collecting Flu
Edged weapons, 48 items by the age of 22
Disposed of this blade collection soon thereafter
Thinking this obsession had seen its final chapter
Nope, a Spyderco knife and dagger array by fifty-one
Plus an online knife store we ran that was real fun
It was called 4BESTBLADES.COM back then
Something about pockets knives, I yen and yen
I'm a member of the Kansas Knife Collectors Association
Wichita is the city of our monthly congregation
We discuss our yearly club knives, buy, sell and trade, too
Seventeen pattern pockets knives so far, Yahoo!
I go to gun and knife shows on some weekends
Where I’ve made a lot of razor sharp friends
Owned many types of guns, short and long
Revolvers, semi-autos and rifles, costing more than a song
It was at one of these shows I caught Netsuke Fever
Hand carved ivory art figurines, I became a true believer
Traded knives and spent cash, so as to acquire
Over fifty of these displayed, feel my brow, it's on fire
I specialize in animal netsukes at this time
Panda, elephant, turtle and a kangaroo
Lion, tiger and bear, just to name a few
And NETSUKE NUT is about my obsession in rhyme
Collecting Fever is not in any medical book
But it should be, eBay, just take a look
I have for my passions and placed many a bid
Like millions of other in this epidemic did
There is one collected item that gets daily use
My walking sticks and canes because of overweight abuse
Personally, I have made many a staff and cane
Have over thirty others, including a gun one I obtained
If you have an antidote for this Possession Bug
Better keep it under your polar bear rug
Because I like my, "Just One More"
Hey, can I buy that unique carpet off your floor?
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