Thursday, February 01, 2007



Roger A. Davis

When young, we had a set of World Books
Read articles, viewed maps, gave them lots of looks
"P" and "S" were my favorite volumes to browse
Found words like polled; 'hornless' cows

After obtaining my sociology B.A. degree
I didn't do much formal study
From 1980 to the present day
My continuing education comes in a novel way

I call it C.O.D.: Culture Osmosis Deluxe
Contact with relationships, places and the media flux
It is like, you are who you hang around with
Sum of our lives poured through the soul's sieve

Most of my exposure to the outside world comes by PC
Some casual contact through shopping, family gatherings and TV
My C.O.D. learning is mainly books and cyberspace media
And, yes, my favorite is Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia

Being a memory trivia buff
I like the short and multiple linked articles
It seems I'm not able to get enough
Reading one, you can't help click on other particles

Before you know it, subjects are many WIndows panes
And you have entered Wikipedia's common user brains
A place where you can put your two-cent edit in, too
The drawback, some facts may be contributed by a cuckoo

Wikipedia is a haven for trivial pursuit
Example: type on Google, coot
First link, Wikipedia, coots: water bird
Another linked article, omnivore, a self describing word

If you can't go back to school to advance your education
Give some thought to your C.O.D. maturation
Expose yourself daily to a good book and loving relationships
And it would be best to take actual vacation trips


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