Monday, January 01, 2007



Roger A. Davis

In my life, I have had some major mental issues
Causing my loved ones to use many Kleenex tissues
After many years, I was diagnosed: Bipolar Disorder
It seemed to get worse as I grew older

Hypomania was my main symptom
Energetic, euphoric and a false sense of wisdom
The depressive side rarely raised its head
I got a lot done; I was hardly ever in bed

Spring and summer, it seemed to peak
Became a fireball workaholic, 20/7 days a week
Did this for all my adult years
With my family's ever growing fears

Then with increasing irrational episodes
With incidents where my temper explodes
We met with a clinical psychologist
Manic-depressive, full blown, he needed no test

That very day began my first mental institution stay
I enjoyed the manic highs, no medicine, I did say
After being a disrupting force, including one escape
I started taking my meds to avoid the legal red tape

After fifteen days I got released, supposedly better
Soon stopped taking the pills, missing those hyper highs
Once again I had a brain; insanity unfettered
And a family with many tears and sighs

Spent a week of wasting money and out of control
This time, it ended with a scary depressive toll
Afraid I might hurt loved ones, to the hospital I went
Different meds and sessions, where we could vent

Sixteen days being there trying my best
Again I was let out having passed the test
And to this very day as I write this prose
The old days of bipolarism have not arose

If I was asked to give mental health advice
I'd say, everyone should get a yearly exam
Not waiting for a neurosis log jam
I wish I had done that, it would have been nice


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