Roger A. Davis
Sign says "MUST EXIT NOW"
Oh no! Wrong lane, holy cow!
Having been there and done that
I follow up with a, “Hey! You dummy!” chat
Must pay taxes and die, they say
Dust to dust, yes; no W-2, some don’t pay
Do not pass go, directly to jail
But this might happen if you fail
In college, English is a must take
We’ve been speaking it for 18 years, give us a break
Math is required still for a degree
But with calculators, “forgo” is my plea
Having gotten a B.A. in Sociology
Teachers out there, do you need an apology?
Yes, my English skills lack
This blog site shows that, if you keep track
But it’s a must read for family and friends (LOL)
For all others, it just depends
If they identify with my rambling thought
Seriously, we’re never too old to be taught
When we are told we must do a thing
In our soul, off goes a warning
An unjust must might be the request
Yet, in the U.S., usually, we decide what is best
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