Roger A. Davis
I have a chronic case of foot in mouth disease
Sometimes speaking what I thought would please
But the interpretation by my wife
Occasionally causes domestic strife
So instead of an apology
Unjust misunderstanding, I blame
Or claiming, "You’re just moody"
As a response, nothing untamed
You would think after 36 years
My avoidance record would improve
Hate to admit I still cause many tears
Think before speaking would sure behoove
Justifying produces battle escalation
Being one’s own defense lawyer is to err in this situation
The solution: throw oneself on the mercy of the court
It may take a day or two before restored support
Especially using phrases, "You’re like your Mom"
Or, "You’re not perfect either," do I hear a war tom-tom?
I've got to quit adding fuel to the fire
And let the bad feelings expire
Now, I realize we'll have many spats still
Yet, when we do mess up and take the bitter pill
Our love for each other will help us overcome
It is to remember, good times outweigh the bad’s sum
So when you have a War of Words Fight
Here's hoping you have the necessary insight
To know that being right had better be a silent win
Be first to eat the humble pie and let the healing begin
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