Thursday, February 01, 2007



Roger A. Davis

I got the call about half past 8
Most people notify us when it is too late
Police have a 3 day missing policy
But the owner of this lost argyle sock
Without hesitation, phoned me, Holmes Shersock

Dr. Hose and I arrived at the scene of the crime
Just in the knitting needle of time
For Mrs. McCurry was unloading the dryer
Thwarting our forensic circumstances of dire
You see, most dryers have rap sheets of priors

Hose interviewed the witnesses of this darn deed
While I let my powers of deduction get me up to speed
I examined the other of the pair
The diamond pattern in blue contrasted with red
Oh, what do we have here, a small tear?

It was pretty clear who the culprit was
Just need to check the dryer lint fuzz
Pulled out the trusty magnifying glass
As I expected, no argyle filament detected
Mrs. McCurry is the guilty lass

When husband, Angus McCurry, wears the Clan kilt
He adorns those argyle Clan patterned knee-high hose
Strapping on his Scottish dirk to the sock, he tore it with the hilt
Maggie, having no darning skills, chose to dispose
In her shame, the dame said, "The sock is in the Thames silt''

After getting our fee for the case solved
Heading to the hansom cab, I noticed a curious sight
Dr Hose wore a blue sock on his left and yellow on his right
He confessed to a suspected washing machine involved
Another mystery to solve, case #399


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