Tuesday, April 01, 2008



Roger A. Davis

Barbwire with hedge post
That is what we have around here the most
Also electric fence strung about the winter wheat
Corrals the cattle, as not to stray, allowing them to eat

Chain link fences are used in many ways
I’m sure all of us remember it from school days
Brick, board and concrete
Are also used to be discreet

'Good fences make good neighbors' it has been said
Yet the Range wars left many dead
But, this day and age, it’s probably true
It keeps Joe’s dog off your lawn to poo-poo

In Western Kansas, I saw a feed lot with a utility post
Stacked to keep control of the buffalo host
Now, this might have been fence overkill
But I sure felt safe watching them eat their fill

In Australia, they have kangaroo fence prevention
Miles and miles of it keep them in detention
So, fences are used to keep us in or out
Necessary, you would say, no doubt


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