Tuesday, April 01, 2008



Roger A. Davis

I suppose most of you have an automatic one
But I have to do mine by hand to get them done
Hot water and suds in the sink very hot
Then soak forks, knives, spoons and a grungy pot

While the soap does its thing
Run hot water to rinse in second sink
That’s after scouring any dirty ring
Being careful not to fill and brink

The school has a third sink and I use it as a drain
Wash, rinse, drain; sentenced there to remain
Until they’re dry or longer if using paper plates
Because doing dishes is kind of one of my hates

So, after silverware is done and in their rack
Next comes plates in the soapy water I stack
Then bowls and drinking cups
Water filthy, process interrupts

Start over for skillets, pots and pans
By this time, I have dishwater hands
Yet, there is a certain satisfaction
Seeing the kitchenware fill my drain to a 97% and ¾ fraction


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