Roger A. Davis
We all have seen the signs ‘Jesus Saves’
Been there, done that in waves
Not once, many times
We aren’t just talking at death in these rhymes
Had pneumonia in my first year
Death was a fear
Childhood diseases, too
But no bubonic flu
Totaled five cars before 22
Alcohol was the cause
Then a 30 year pause
Had turned to Jesus for birth anew
Once lost two back tires on a truck heading up I-35
Snow and ice, scares galore, yet all I did survive
Motorcycle spills, more than you can count on one hand
I still didn’t join the heavenly band
Through all my falls and spills
I never broke a bone
Guardian angels: I must not travel alone
A satanic attack in 1976 gave me 1 ½ years of chills
By getting into God’s Holy Book
He freed me from Satan’s hook
I witnessed His loving care at many a place
Of His mercy, compassion and grace
The workplace has held much death-defying traps
For ten years, I drank toxic waste water out of the taps
They were tested and the wells were never used again
No long term harm, nothing; I must have a friend
Tales like undiagnosed mental illness for so long
But my past readers know this sad song
Then there is my life threatening weight
Over 575 lbs is the going rate
Why do I share all this misfortune and shame?
We all are saved for a reason
Yes, we reap what we sow, this is not lame
But I think I was allowed to live for ‘Teason’
We’re talking ‘Teasoning’
1. To make fun of playfully
2. To annoy or pester
3. To urge persistently
There are definitions more derogatory
And, yes, I’ve done most of them, too
But I like to think these three are what I’m saved to do
And I hope I’ve been a fisher of men to you
Casting words of His creation as heavenly bait
Teasing you to recognize Him in all your fate
To go completely for Him - hook, line and sinker
Oh yes, forgive me for being such an annoying stinker
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