Monday, November 05, 2012



By Roger A. Davis

Everyday I trip to Knowledge Park
Voice command – “Find: b-a-r-k”
YouTube, a visual arcade
Wow, music from me and Peggy's decade

At the top, Matterhorn; panoramic view
Alps deadliest peak, for beginners - taboo
Key word: jump; Whymper, the first to scale
Illustrator, also frolicking hill and dale

This is how it is done
One thought, let it run
Type or speak
I've become a Google geek

Before going back to Homepage
We have to visit the Wikipedia sage
The Who’s of Who and Whom and What
The Oz of Adventure Land? Toto mutt?

Behind the Veil, contributions of bios and ad links
Presented in blinks of eyes, vendors of trivia drinks
Want to work on your car. Instructing; PC pad isn't far
Fix the sink or how to the roof; tar

Now, for some, this is old hat
Games are where they’re at
At a young age, I read the alphabet books
Now I've discovered the planet: Hooks

From it's gravity I can't flee
Everyday, the bait is more tasty
I cast my role as the Thinker
I'm a Hookian: A Big Bang Stinker


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